Guia do profissional: por dentro do processo de revestimento antiaderente em assadeiras de aço carbono

Escrito por: Tiffany Lai
Tiffany Lei

Tiffany Lei

Cofundador e gerente de contas principais da Bonray Bakeware



Bakeware is an essential part of every kitchen, home or commercial. With various types of bakeware, carbon steel bakeware with revestimento antiaderente stands out for its durability and easy-use. But have you ever thought about why your aço carbono baking pan doesn’t last for a long time? Or why your cookies slide off the tray so smoothly? Have you ever wondered about the process that imparts this non-stick property to your baking pans?

Applying a non-stick layer on carbon steel assadeira involves many steps and if done right, makes your baking tools durable and easy to use. The main material is carbon steel, which is known for heating up evenly and lasting a long time. The non-stick layer, often made from a material like PTFE, by preventing food from sticking. This means you don’t need to use as much oil or fat, and it’s easier to clean up after.

In this guide, we’ll explore the non-stick coating application process, materials used, benefits, and maintenance tips.

Por que assadeiras de aço carbono? E qual é o papel do revestimento antiaderente?

Baking pros love using carbon steel bakeware because it can heat up quickly and spread the heat evenly. This helps to bake food perfectly. Carbon steel pans are typically less expensive than other high-end bakeware like aluminum or stainless steel. Carbon steel pans are very durable and resistant to warping. They can last for years with proper care. But, carbon steel bakeware has one problem – food tends to stick to it and easy to rust. This is where the non-stick coating helps. It prevents food from sticking, so your cakes or cookies come out easily, and it’s simpler to clean the pan afterwards.

What is Non-Stick Coating on Carbon Steel Bakeware?

1. A importância do revestimento antiaderente

Non-stick coatings on panelas e assadeiras are useful. Here are the key benefits of nonstick coating:

  • Easy Food Release: Prevents baked goods from sticking, reducing waste.
  • Enhanced Durability: Protects against scratches, rust, and corrosion.
  • Improved Heat Distribution: Ensures even baking and cooking results.
  • Effortless Cleaning: Requires minimal scrubbing, making it user-friendly.

2. Different Types of Non-stick Coating Materials

Choosing the right non-stick coating material is crucial for bakeware performance. Here’s a comparison of the most common types:

É um tipo de plástico conhecido por suas propriedades lisas e antiaderentes. É mais reconhecida como a substância usada para criar revestimentos antiaderentes para utensílios de cozinha, como frigideiras e assadeiras.

O PTFE tem um alto ponto de fusão, o que significa que pode suportar o calor do cozimento sem se quebrar facilmente. Também é quimicamente inerte, o que significa que não reage com os alimentos que você está cozinhando ou com o detergente para lava-louças com o qual você está limpando.

Ceramic is a new non-stick technology in cookware that is touted as being toxin-free. They are often free of PTFE and PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid), providing a more environmentally friendly option. However, ceramic-coated pans might not be as durable as PTFE-coated ones and may require more careful handling to maintain their non-stick surface.

Silicone provides a non-stick surface and is used primarily in carbon steel bakeware. It can withstand high temperatures and is also dishwasher safe. It’s a flexible material, which makes it ideal for certain types of molds.

Each coating type has its advantages, and the best choice depends on factors such as durability, heat resistance, and maintenance preferences.

Coating TypeRecursosDurabilidadeResistência ao calor
PTFE (Teflon)Highly non-stick, easy to cleanMediumUp to 500°F
CeramicChemical-free, scratch-resistantHighUp to 600°F
SiliconeFlexible, easy releaseLowUp to 450°F

To know more about the global testing standards or regulations of nonstick bakeware, check this article for reference.

Quais são os padrões globais de testes de revestimento antiaderente?

How Is Non-stick Coating Applied to Steel Bakeware

The non-stick coating process involves multiple steps to achieve a smooth, high-quality finish. Below is a breakdown of the process:

  1. Preparação da superfície – The carbon steel surface needs to be cleaned thoroughly to remove any oil, grease, dust, or impurities. Sandblasting or chemical treatment is applied to create a rough texture for better adhesion if the metal base is aluminized steel. This is often done with an abrasive pad or chemical degreaser.
Processo de fabricação de produtos de panificação Bonray Homewares
  1. Priming – A primer is applied to the surface to enhance the bond between the metal and the non-stick coating. Primers also improve resistance to high temperatures and wear.

  1. Curing Process– Once the primer is applied, the baking pans are placed in a large oven to bake and cure the primer, hardening it onto the metal and prepares for the non-stick coating.
In China bakeware factory, nonstick coating production line, baking pans are hanging on the lines
  1. Aplicação de revestimento – Using a spray coating machine, the liquid non-stick coating like PTFE or ceramic is evenly sprayed or rolled onto the primed bakeware surface. Several thin layers are applied depending on the quality and durability required to build up the non-stick surface.
um trabalhador profissional fazendo pulverização de revestimento antiaderente na fábrica de produtos de panificação de metal
  1. Final Curing – Finally, the coated bakeware is heated in a large oven at high temperatures to harden the non-stick coating and ensure a smooth finish. This step increases the durability and effectiveness of the non-stick layer.
Bonray Homeware-Bakeware fábrica - processo de produção de assadeiras - revestimento em pó
  1. Cooling – After the final coating layer, the pans are cooled down slowly and carefully to prevent damage to the fresh coating.

  1. Inspeção – Each piece undergoes rigorous testing for adhesion strength, heat resistance, and overall performance.
Linha de inspeção de fábrica de Bakeware na China após revestimento antiaderente
  1. Embalagem – Bakeware that passes all quality checks is then packaged and shipped to retailers.

How to Care for Non-Stick Bakeware?

To maximize the lifespan of your non-stick carbon steel bakeware, follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Avoid High Heat: Excessive temperatures can cause coating deterioration.
  2. Evite utensílios de metal: Metal can scratch the non-stick surface. Use silicone, wooden, or plastic utensils instead.
  3. Hand Wash Only: While dishwasher detergents can degrade the non-stick layer over time, hand washing is usually the safest way to protect the coating.
  4. Use produtos de limpeza suaves: Evite produtos de limpeza abrasivos que possam riscar ou danificar a superfície antiaderente.
  5. Deixe esfriar antes de limpar: Deixe a assadeira esfriar completamente antes de limpá-la para evitar empenamento.


Understanding how things like carbon steel bakeware with non-stick properties are made helps businesses make smarter choices. Knowing more about the products you buy can help you get better deals, give good info to your customers, and pick items that fit your needs. Plus, it helps you appreciate the value of what you’re buying. So, next time you’re shopping for non-stick baking pans, remember what goes into making them. How will this new knowledge help you make better decisions for your business?

Perguntas frequentes

O revestimento antiaderente em assadeiras de aço carbono tem alguma desvantagem?

One potential disadvantage is that non-stick coatings may eventually wear down with use over time, particularly if used with metal utensils. It may also be damaged by high temperatures, so always follow the manufacturer’s temerature suggestions.

Como o processo de revestimento antiaderente afeta o custo de assadeiras de aço carbono?

O processo de aplicação de um revestimento antiaderente aumenta o custo geral da assadeira devido aos materiais utilizados e às etapas adicionais de fabricação. No entanto, os benefícios que oferece muitas vezes superam o ligeiro aumento no custo.

Como os clientes em potencial podem verificar a qualidade dos utensílios antiaderentes de aço carbono?

Geralmente conduzem auditorias de fábrica para demonstrar suas capacidades de fabricação e processos de controle de qualidade. Também fornecemos amostras para os clientes avaliarem a qualidade dos utensílios antiaderentes de aço carbono antes da compra em massa.

What steps does Bonray take to ensure the durability of its non-stick carbon steel bakeware?

Utilizamos materiais de alta qualidade e técnicas avançadas de fabricação. Nossos revestimentos antiaderentes são aplicados meticulosamente para garantir uma forte ligação com o aço carbono. Também realizamos testes rigorosos para garantir que nossos utensílios de cozinha resistam ao uso repetido.

Consulte esta passagem para ver a inspeção da Bonray para revestimento antiaderente:

Os utensílios antiaderentes de aço carbono podem ser usados na máquina de lavar louça?

Embora os utensílios antiaderentes possam ser lavados na máquina de lavar louça, para prolongar a vida útil do revestimento antiaderente, geralmente recomendamos lavar as mãos com sabão neutro e uma esponja macia.

How to choose the best non-stick coating for bakeware

Ceramic coatings are the most durable, while PTFE provides the best non-stick performance.

How does Bonray handle customization requests for non-stick coated carbon steel bakeware?

Temos uma equipe profissional de P&D na Bonray que trabalha em estreita colaboração com os clientes para entender seus requisitos e personalizações específicas. Quer se trate de um formato, tamanho exclusivo ou um tipo específico de revestimento antiaderente, nos esforçamos para atender às necessidades de nossos clientes. Bakeware personalizados podem ajudar nossos clientes a conquistar o mercado e se destacar rapidamente!

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